John Smythe

„This song tells the story of Johnny Smythe who came from Sierra Leone and joined the RAF in 1941. He was shot down and wounded on his 27th mission over Germany, captured and spent two years in Stalag Luft 1 as a POW where he was the only black man for over 12 months. The pictures in the video are from the actual camp. After his release he immediately signed up for another tour with the RAF. Subsequently worked for the Colonial Office in London and was the officer on board the Windrush responsible for interviewing ex-military West Indians and submitting a report resulting in the ‚Windrush generation‘. Qualified as a barrister and returned to Sierra Leone.

Written, produced and performed by Dubwiser whose members are his two sons, John and Eddy and Jonas and Spider“ (Description from the Youtube Channel of Eddy Smythe)